Summary of education and training activities 2024

Press release
Review of a successful year 2024: 50 workshops with high participant satisfaction

The year 2024 is coming to an end, and we are pleased to be able to look back on a very successful year. With a total of 50 workshops and 402 participants from 35 different companies, we have once again shown how important practical and individually tailored training courses are in the hotel and catering industry.

Focus on presence and in-house courses
A large proportion of the training courses, namely 80%, took place as in-house events or in face-to-face formats. The remaining 20% were conducted as online workshops to meet the needs of our customers in virtual spaces as well.

Diverse topics for a strong industry
Our workshops covered a wide range of topics that reflect the challenges and opportunities in the industry:

  1. Quality management (30%)
  2. Hygiene training (25%)
  3. Sustainability (15%)
  4. Guest and complaint management (10%)
  5. Other topics such as housekeeping, HoGa etiquette, correct telephoning, good mood, HoGa holistics as well as body language, gestures and facial expressions rounded off the program.

We are particularly proud of the feedback from our participants:
With an average satisfaction level of 94%, it is clear that our workshops are not only convincing in terms of content, but also have a lasting effect. We would like to continue and expand this high level in 2025.

We would like to thank all participants and our partners for the trust they have placed in us and for their committed cooperation. Together, we are shaping the future of the hotel and catering industry successfully and innovatively.

Martha and Frank Höchsmann, December 2024



Hygiene training according to HACCP

Hygiene training according to HACCP with official certificate from DEHOGA Berlin.

The catering companies, Foodkult and Gastrokult have had their top chefs trained in the BABA PIRZOLA restaurant on the subject of hygiene training according to HACCP by DEHOGA.  The following topics were trained:

  • Hygiene concept and hazard analysis according to HACCP[1]
  • Work instructions and workflows according to HACCP
  • Infection Protection Act according to §§ 42/43
  • Allergens and allergen training
  • Checklists as an aid for HACCP proof

After the theory, the participants checked the kitchen area, staff changing rooms and garbage area with the online checklists from HOTQUA and discussed the results with the speaker Frank Höchsmann and analyzed them constructively. The level of satisfaction of the participants was above average and almost 100%.

[1] Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points 



Successful business correspondence

Successful business correspondence according to DIN 5008

On 09.09.2024, a successful workshop took place at Berliner Wasserbetriebe, organized by DEHOGA and led by Frank Höchsmann (HOTQUA).

Aim of the workshop: The participants were trained in professional written communication.
The focus was on the following focal points:

  • Apply DIN 5008: Efficient and standard-compliant design of business letters.
  • Error-free spelling: Confident mastery of the new German spelling.
  • Customer-oriented communication: Promote trust and satisfaction through targeted approach.
  • Sustainability in the office: Integrating eco-friendly practices into everyday work.
  • Avoiding errors: Recognizing and avoiding common sources of error.

Through practical exercises, the participants were able to apply what they had learned directly and are now well prepared to conduct their business correspondence professionally and sustainably.


Holistic View of the Hotel and Restaurant Industry

HoGa Holistic / Holistic View of the Hotel and Restaurant Industry

The HoGa Holistic course offers a comprehensive introduction to holistic thinking and acting in the hotel and restaurant industry Gaststättengewerbe.In the main aim of the training was to discuss whether and how holistic concepts can be transferred to the various areas of the hotel and restaurant industry.

Contents of the training

1. Holistics in the hotel and restaurant industry: The extent to which holistic approaches can be applied to the industry and what advantages this brings was discussed. A central idea is to consider all departments as interconnected entities.

2. Holistic view of the departments: The hotel and restaurant areas were not only considered in isolation, but in their interaction. The goal was to understand the interfaces between the areas and thus optimize efficiency and the guest experience.

3. Administration: The administration was addressed as a central hub that supports all other departments and coordinates their processes.

4. Hotel department: From the reception to room service – which tasks and responsibilities must be considered holistically in order to ensure a smooth process and the highest level of guest satisfaction.

5. Restaurant department: The tasks and challenges in the restaurant were also analyzed. The focus was on the interaction of cuisine, service and management.

6. Practical examples and exercises: The course contained many practical examples and exercises to make the theoretical content understandable and applicable. Participants were thus able to experience directly how a holistic approach works in everyday life.

In summary, the course showed how a holistic view and coordinated interaction of all departments can lead to an improvement in operational processes - with positive effects on guests, employees and the company.

Satisfaction of the training participants: 97%


Hygiene training according to HACCP

Hygiene training according to HACCP

for all employees who place food on the market

The following contents were taught:

  • Posture, gestures, facial expressions: exercises
  • Good manners: What is contemporary?
  • Greeting and salutation: Exercise
  • Appearance and attitude: exercise
  • Etiquette and communication rules
  • Style and etiquette in hotels and restaurants
  • Satisfaction level: 96%

Hotel and Restaurant Etiquette: Style and Etiquette as a Success Factor

Hotel and Restaurant Etiquette: Style and Etiquette as a Success Factor

In today's world, the hotel and catering industry not only attaches importance to excellent service and an appealing atmosphere, but also to a professional appearance and exemplary manners. The importance of style and etiquette has become much more relevant, and for good reason: guests want not only culinary delights, but also respectful and polite interaction – from the first contact to the farewell.

Our most recent training course on "Hotel and Restaurant Etiquette" was a complete success. 97% of the participants were very satisfied with the content taught and took away valuable knowledge for their everyday professional life. Here's an overview of the key topics of training and why they're essential to success in the hospitality industry:

1. Posture, gestures and facial expressions: First impressions countIn an industry where direct contact with guests and customers is essential, first impressions are crucial. The training included practical exercises on posture, gestures and facial expressions. An open and friendly attitude, clear gestures and a positive charisma convey professionalism and trust. Even a small change in posture or the targeted use of gestures can significantly influence the effect on the guest.

2. Good manners: What is contemporary? What is meant by "good manners" is not static. Over time, etiquette and societal norms have evolved. A central point of the training was therefore the question: **What does good behavior mean today?** In our globalized world and in view of the multitude of different cultural backgrounds that guests and customers bring with them, sensitivity and adaptability are required. At the same time, there are timeless basic rules that never lose their relevance, such as respect, politeness and tact.

3. Greeting and salutation: A small act with a big effectThe greeting is an essential part of the first impression. In practical exercises, the participants trained how to address and greet guests correctly. It's not just about choosing the right words, but also about the right body language. A firm eye contact, a friendly smile and the correct salutation can make a big difference and make the guest feel welcome.

4. Appearance and attitude: The inner attitude is reflected in behaviorThe correct appearance is not only a question of external appearance, but also of inner attitude. This is visible in communication and behavior towards guests. During the training, intensive work was done on how a positive, service-oriented attitude can be conveyed and communicated to the outside world. This already begins with self-perception and reflection on one's own appearance.

5. Manners and communication rules: Confident and polite in every situationDealing with guests correctly can be challenging in stressful situations. Therefore, it is important to master confident communication strategies that lead to success even in difficult moments. A central element of the training was the teaching of communication rules, which include both clear and polite communication as well as dealing with complaints and criticism. Kindness, patience and the skilful use of language go a long way in making guests feel comfortable and respected.

6. Style and etiquette in hotels and restaurants: More than just politenessThe hotel and restaurant industry is not just about following rules, but about an overall package that convinces guests in all areas. From tableware to the correct dress code, it's the details that make the difference. Our training provided a comprehensive overview of the most important etiquette rules in hotels and restaurants, so that participants are prepared for any situation and can leave a consistently positive impression on their guests.

Summary: The response to the training clearly shows how great the need for a professional appearance and contemporary manners is in the hospitality industry. Anyone who works in the hotel or catering industry knows that the key to long-term success lies not only in the quality of the offer, but above all in the interpersonal area. Style and etiquette are essential building blocks to not only satisfy guests, but to inspire them in the long term.

Aircraft cleaning and polishing

Aircraft cleaning and polishing:

More than just shiny surfaces

Did you know that airplanes also need a thorough cleaning and polish on a regular basis?

Professional care is essential not only for aesthetic reasons, but also for the safety and efficiency of the machines.

But how can cleaning companies ensure that they meet the high requirements in this specific area?

We at HOTQUA are here to help. With our quality management, we support cleaning companies in obtaining certification according to ISO 9001 – the international standard for quality management systems.

This ensures that your services meet the highest standards and that you secure a competitive advantage.

Contact us and take the quality of your cleaning services to the next level with ISO 9001 from HOTQUA!

Hygiene training for kitchen and service staff

Successful hygiene training for kitchen and service staff on 21.08.2024

We are pleased to announce the successful completion of our hygiene training,

which has been specially designed for kitchen and service staff.

The participants gained comprehensive insights into central topics:

  • Hygiene requirements in accordance with legal requirements
  • Infection Protection Act according to §§ 42/43
  • Allergens and targeted training on allergens
  • HACCP-compliant workflows and instructions
  • Practical checklists to support HACCP evidence
  • Interactive hygiene quiz and final online test

The training was rounded off with a satisfaction measurement, which showed positive feedback (98%).

We would like to thank all participants and look forward to further successful trainings!

Visit us at  or  for more information!

Housekeeping & Hotel Cleaning

Online training on Housekeeping and Hotel Cleaning /
Service Quality in Housekeeping

  • Work instructions for cleaning work
  • Housekeeping Work Instructions
  • Field-tested checklists for the housekeeping department
  • Job descriptions and recommendations
  • Recommendations and online measurement of satisfaction

Service Quality Restaurant

Online workshop on the topic:
Service quality from the perspective of the restaurant guest

  • Restaurant- Trends
  • Quality elements in the restaurant
  • What does the guest expect from us?
  • When is the restaurant guest satisfied?
  • Trends in international/regional gastronomy
  • Service quality from the restaurant guest's point of view
  • Recommendations and online measurement of satisfaction

Service Quality Hotel

Online training on the topic of
service quality from the point of view of the hotel guest

The following topics were addressed:

  • Hotel and restaurant trends
  • Quality elements in the hotel and restaurant
  • What does the guest expect from us?
  • When is the restaurant guest satisfied?
  • Service quality from the point of view of the hotel guest
  • Recommendations and online measurement of satisfaction

Digital Sustainable Quality Standards

Training on the application of the digital sustainable quality standards of the Hotel Stadt Löbau on the information and communication platform HOTQUAs. The following standardas are available digitally to the Hotel Stadt Löbau:

Sustainable quality standards for the management with documents for the hotel management, quality officers, personnel management and marketing

Sustainable quality standards for the hotel sector with documents for reception and reservation, housekeeping and building services, wellness and beauty

Sustainable quality standards for the restaurant sector with documents for breakfast and branch, service and bar, banquett and events.

In addition, there is access to 50 online assessment tests, yes-no lists and sustainability checks.

The digitized quality standards increase the efficiency of employees by 30%. Searching for documents has come to an end, unnecessary archiving processes are no longer necessary. This leaves more time to work.

Photo: IKP - Information and communication platform HOTQUA ́s for the Hotel Stadt Löbau.




Good mood with the Fish philosophy

Good mood with the Fish philosophy

1. What is the Fish philosophy?

A work philosophy based on four principles,

to promote motivation and engagement in the workplace.


2. The Four Principles of the Fish Philosophy

a. Attitude: Consciously choose one's own attitude and shape it positively.

b. Play: Bring joy and creativity to the work.

c. Bringing joy: Bringing joy to others and spreading positive energy.

d. Be present: Live in the moment and pay attention.


Good mood explanations


1. What is good mood?  A positive emotional state that is influenced by various factors.

2. Factors of good mood: Various influences such as social interactions, activities and inner attitudes.

3. How do we get in a good mood? Through activities that bring joy, social contacts and positive thought patterns.

4. How do we keep a good mood: Through regular positive activities, stress management and positive social interactions.

5. How can we pass on good mood? Through positive communication and actions towards guests, colleagues, family and friends.

What does a good mood do?

1. Neurotransmitter release: Release of happiness hormones such as dopamine and serotonin.

2. Hormonal changes: Positive mood has a positive effect on hormone production.

3. Cardiovascular system: Good mood promotes heart health and lowers blood pressure.

4. Immune system: Positive thinking strengthens the immune system.

5. Brain Function: Improves cognitive function and memory performance.

6. Social interactions: Promotes positive relationships and social bonds.


Good mood effects

1. Work and productivity: Increases efficiency and performance in the workplace.

2. Creativity: Encourages creative thinking and problem-solving skills.

3. Kindness and interpersonal relationships: Improves the quality of social interactions and relationships.

4. Health and well-being: Contributes to overall physical and mental health.


Overall effect:

Good mood has far-reaching positive effects on all areas of life and improves general well-being and quality of life.


Applying the Fish philosophy and cultivating a good mood have a comprehensive positive impact on personal and professional life.

Further training as a quality auditor according to ISO 9001

Further training as a quality auditor according to ISO 9001

Objective of the training:

The participants....

  • know the service-specific implementation of ISO
  • know the components of audit programs
  • know the procedure for testing QM – Doc.
  • can carry out audit planning
  • know the procedure for conducting the audit
  • know the requirements for conducting interviews in audit situations
  • can deal with critical conversation situations
  • know the contents of audit reports

Participant satisfaction level: 99%


Internal Audit ISO 9001

Internal audit at the hotel and brewery in Spandau

The following areas were reviewed and prepared for the second surveillance audit:

  • Quality Management Manual
  • Documented information Management
  • Documented information
  • Quality Representative
  • Documented Information Beer Brewing
  • Documented information
  • Restaurant / service area
  • Documented information Kitchen area
  • Documented Information Banquet & Events
  • Documented information about the hotel area
  • Documented Information House Cleaning
  • Documented Information Management

Housekeeping and house cleaning

Online workshop on housekeeping and house cleaning/quality in the housekeeping sector

Contents of the online training:

  • Quality of service in housekeeping
  • Work Instructions for the Housekeeping Department
  • Field-proven checklists for the housekeeping department
  • Job Descriptions & Recommendations
  • Satisfaction level: 100%

Foto: Lucia Sandoval, Suites Terraza Imperial, Guatemala Stadt

"I really appreciated the introductory course. It has helped me understand the procedures and get new ideas that I can apply in my housekeeping department and the waitress team at my hotel. I would like to continue learning with you as your knowledge in the industry is very professional. Thank you for the opportunity."

Referral Marketing and -Management

In-house training at the congress and wellness hotel centrovital in Berlin Spandau

on the topic of Referral Marketing and -Management

Contents of the training:

  • What is referral management?
  • Is referral management important?
  • The Referral Management Network
  • The tools of recommendation management
  • Exercises and Referral Management Tasks
  • Satisfaction level: over 90%

Guest complaints and claims

In-house training at the congress and wellness hotel centrovital in Berlin Spandau

on the subject of guest complaints and claims

Contents of the training:

  • When is our guest satisfied / quality elements
  • Guest expectations in the event of complaints / claims
  • How do guest complaints and claims arise?
  • Conduct professional complaint discussions
  • Guest Types and Complaint Role-Plays
  • Satisfaction level: over 80%

Successful Communication and Correct Telephoning

In-house training at the congress and wellness hotel centrovital in Berlin Spandau

on the topic of Successful Communication and Correct Telephoning

Contents of the communication training:

  • Introduction: How do we get information and what is left?
  • Success factors of communication
  • Persuasive communication : Positive words and phrases, speaking and questioning techniques
  • Communication Rules and Customer Types: Welcome Rules, Customer Salutation, Individual Customer Type Treatment
  • The right way to make phone calls: Golden telephone rules, telephone questionnaire, customer-oriented telephone rhetoric
  • Conclusion and recommendations
  • Satisfaction level: 86%

Successful Communication

Online Workshop on the topic of successful communication

Contents of the online workshop (admission 10 days)

  • Successful communication with the guest
  • Communication Rules and Guest Types
  • Guest-oriented telephony and communication
  • Tried and tested exercises
  • Recommendations
  • Satisfaction level over 90%

Internal Audit DIN EN ISO 9001

Internal Audit DIN EN ISO 9001 of the company Hermann Kohlhof GmbH in Hamburg 

"We develop customer-specific solutions for you in the areas of logistics, packaging and surface protection for the aviation industry."

The following were tested:

  • The Quality Management Manual
  • The procedures and value-added processes
  • Documents, checklists, forms and lists

Congratulations on passing the internal audit according to DIN-EN-ISO-9001

Further training to become a quality manager

In-house training as a quality manager at the brewery in Spandau

This week, a training course for specialists and managers took place at the brewery in Spandau.

Contents of the training:

DIN-EN-ISO 9001 & 19011

Business Process Management/GPM

Quality Indicators & Promotion

Total Quality Management / EFQM

Exam preparation & exam according to ISO 9001

Satisfaction rate of training participants: 98.5%

The training coach for the successful training measure was Frank Höchsmann, graduate in business administration and quality auditor according to ISO 9001.

The next QM training course will take place in March 2024.

You can register for the next course here!

Guests complaints

DEHOGA (German Hotel and Restaurant Association) Workshop on guest complaints and complaints

Contents of the training:

  • When is our guest satisfied / quality elements
  • Guest expectations in the event of complaints and claims
  • How do guest complaints and claims arise?
  • Conduct professional complaint discussions
  • Guest Types and Complaint Role-Plays
  • Participant satisfaction rate: 92.4%
  • Lecturer: Frank Höchsmann, trainer and consultant of the company HOTQUA and German Hotel Institute.
  • Photo: Participants of the workshop Guest Complaints and Claims


Guest-oriented telephony

DEHOGA (German Hotel and Restaurant Association) Berlin In House Seminar at the Hotel Bristol Kempinski on the topic of guest-oriented telephony. The training took place on 05.01.2024 and 08.01.2024. The trainer was Frank Höchsmann, managing owner of the company HOTQUA Berlin.

Contents of the practice-proven training:

  • Speaking Exercise & Telephone Rules

  • Phone - Rhetorik & Etiquette

  • Telephone - Conversation Techniques

  • Data Protection & Problem Areas

  • Telephone – Spelling Alphabet

  • Tasks and exercises

Level of satisfaction of the training participants:

  • 01/05/2024 = 97%

  • 01/08/2024 = 95%

Photo: Workshop participants on 05.01.2024


HACCP Hygiene Training

In-house hygiene training at EFC-Concepts Berlin

The following topics were discussed:

  • Hygiene requirements according to the law
  • Infection Protection Act according to §§ 42/43
  • Allergens and allergen education
  • Workflows and work instructions according to HACCP[1]
  • Checklists as a tool for HACCP verification
  • Hygiene quiz and online test

Participant satisfaction rate: 95%

Photo: Workshop participants during the HACCP training, on 03.01.2024

[1] Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points / Risiko Analyse Kritischer Kontroll-Punkte

Summary: HOTQUA Education and Training 2023

HOTQUA Training & Education 2023

2023 was a year full of progress and exciting developments for HOTQUA. It is with great pleasure that we share a summary of our activities and achievements:

Participant growth:

We conducted a whopping 50 workshops, which corresponds to a growth of 25% compared to the previous year. With almost 500 participants from over 90 companies, an increase of 20%, we expanded our network and shared knowledge.

Variety of training formats:

Our courses were offered as both face-to-face and in-house online training, which allowed us to find new ways to make knowledge accessible.

Popular seminar topics:

Sustainable quality standards and management, hygiene management, housekeeping, guest complaints, as well as personal success planning were among the favorites. In addition, we have successfully offered courses on diversity, data protection, team and human resource management.

Time preferences:

The 4th and 2nd quarters were particularly in demand for workshop participation.

Locations of face-to-face events:

Berlin, Hamburg, Hesse, Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt were the hotspots for our face-to-face training.


International Online-Engagement:

Our online participants came mainly from Germany and South America and benefited from training in German, English and Spanish.

Textbook publications:

We have published reference books in 5 languages: Chinese, German, English, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian. These cover topics such as sustainable quality standards, hygiene management and housekeeping.

Successes and demand:

Our training courses to become certified housekeepers and the highly sought-after hygiene concept for kitchen and service were highlights of the year. Last but not least, we have been able to keep the satisfaction rate of our participants above 93% on average, which makes us particularly proud.

Thank you for your continued support and interest in our work. We look forward to continuing to grow and share knowledge together in 2024.

Best regards, Your HOTQUA Team