Restaurant Check (GB)

HOTQUA Quality Restaurant Check (GB)

Here you can rate your (last) restaurant visit. There is no claim to completeness of the questions. Your information is voluntary. The use of the results is the sole responsibility of the user. Liability is excluded.

How would you rate the first contact you had with the restaurant? (Very good = 10 points)

Entrance, smells, temperature, light conditions, decoration, colors, furnishings, room layout, atmosphere, style, etc.? (Yes, very good = 10 points)

Table, chair, distances, dimensions, ergonomics, style etc.? (Yes = 10 points)

Table preparation / table decoration, place settings, reserve items, etc.? (Yes = 10)

Clean and attractive? Logical structure? Balance? Correct prices? Allergen information? (Everything OK = 10)

Greeting, placement, distribution of menus, advice, taking the order, serving, clearing away, anticipating, bill, follow up, etc.? (OK = 10 points)

Quality, balanced quantity, aspect / color combination, consistency, smell, taste, hot / cold plates etc? (Very good = 10 points)

Quality, quantity, temperature, freshness, suitable glasses, advice? (Very good = 10)

How do you rate the restaurant staff? Are you or were you polite, open and accommodating? Are you or were you ready for service, competent and with an impeccable outfit? (yes = 10)

How do you rate the price-performance ratio: adequate, justified, customary in the market? local custom? (yes = 10)

Please rate all questions!